Liquid tags

Tags create the logic and control flow for templates. They are denoted by curly braces and percent signs: {% and %}.

Tags are really powerful and are used extensively in document layouts in Current RMS. They’re a way of performing logic operations and controlling flow in document layouts.

Liquid syntax is used in other web apps, so resources online might make reference to tags that aren't supported in Current.


Any content that you put between {% comment %} and {% endcomment %} tags is turned into a comment.

{% comment %} 
  The object below outputs our company name 
{% endcomment %}

<h1>{{ }}</h1>


Use an if tag to determine whether content should be shown if a certain condition is true.

For example, you can check to see if a customer’s telephone number is blank and display a different message by adding a {% else %} depending on whether or not this is true.

{% if customer.telephone == blank %}
  We do not have a telephone number on record for you.
{% else %}
  {{ customer.telephone }}
{% endif %}

Use elsif to add more conditions. For example:

{% if order.status == 0 %}
  This is open.
{% elsif order.status == 1 %}
  This is provisional.
{% elsif order.status == 5 %}
  This is reserved.
{% endif %}


An unless tag is the opposite of an if tag. It tells Current RMS to only show content if the condition isn’t met.

{% unless order.discount_total == 0 %}
  We’re happy to offer you a discount for being a loyal customer.
{% endunless %}


for loops run through items in a collection (array), e.g. opportunity items or contacts against an organisation.

In the example below, a list item is created for each item within the order.items loop – this is the list of items on an opportunity:

  {% for item in order.items %}
    <li>{{ }}</li>
  {% endfor %}

This might output something like:

  • ETC Source 4

  • Martin Mac Entour

  • Pioneer XDJ

  • Apple MacBook Pro


The cycle tag is used within a for loop. It’s a way of looping through a group of strings and outputting them in the order they were listed.

For example, we could run through order.items as above but have every other list item as italicized or bold:

  {% for item in order.items %}
      {% cycle '<em>', '<strong>' %}
        {{ }}
      {% cycle '</em>', '</strong>' %}
  {% endfor %}

This might output something like:

  • ETC Source 4

  • Martin Mac Entour

  • Pioneer XDJ

  • Apple MacBook Pro


Use assign to create a variable. Variables are used to store information that you can reference and manipulate later.

For example:

{% assign product_number = 0 %}

Use quotation marks to save as a string:

{% assign tagline = "Powering you rental business" %}


Use capture to capture something between the opening and closing tags and assign to a variable. Variables that you create are stored as strings.

{% capture hello_message %}
  Hello {{ }}, thank you for ordering from {{ }}!
{% endcapture %}

{{ hello_message }}

{{ hello_message }} will then output something like:

Hello Jo & Sam, thank you for ordering from Happily Ever After Events!


Creates a switch statement to compare a variable with different values. caseinitializes the switch statement, and when compares its values.

{% case order.status %}
  {% when 1 %}
    The opportunity is open.
  {% when 5 %}
    The opportunity is active.
  {% when 20 %}
    This is a reserved opportunity.
  {% when 40 %}
     The opportunity is active.
  {% when 50 or 60 or 70 %}
    The opportunity is inactive i.e. canceled, lost, or dead.
  {% else %}
    Place your default code here.
{% endcase %}

Last updated